Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE) Logo

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE)

Strengthening Field-based Organisations FBOs)

Active in 9 states (e.g., Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, and Uttarakhand)

Leadership development, capacity building, and organisational structuring.

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE) Logo

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE)

Fostering Constitutional Values

School for understanding constitutional values
Conducting workshops and preparing training modules on constitutional principles

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE) Logo

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE)

Empowering Girls and Women

Community learning center in Bawana, Delhi, focusing on female literacy and youth leadership

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE) Logo

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE)

Supporting Local Economies

Resource mapping and livelihood planning in regions like Chitrakoot (UP), Kalahandi (Odisha), and Khunti (Jharkhand)
Reclaiming natural resources, promoting traditional farming, challenges of global warming,
alternative models of farming, producer-consumer linkages etc

Keeping the Culture of Questioning Alive and Kicking

PEACE believes that the ability to question, especially by the marginalised sections, is a critical lever for social change.

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE)

Popular Education and Action Centre (PEACE) is a collective dedicated to strengthening grassroots social action through popular education. We challenge the superficial use of participation in dominant development paradigms, emphasising true empowerment for marginalised communities. Our approach equips people with knowledge and capacity to reclaim agency, challenge entrenched power structures, and transform their realities.

Committed to justice, equality, and participatory democracy, PEACE fosters community-driven change by helping people reclaim resources, livelihoods, and decision-making power. We believe true transformation emerges from collective action rooted in constitutional and human values.

Amidst socio-political shifts, we work to restore balance—between people and nature, tradition and progress, individual and collective well-being. Through inclusive and sustainable systems, PEACE inspires grassroots organizations to challenge injustices and build pathways for transformative change. Our work is a testament to education, shared understanding, and action as forces for reclaiming democracy and social justice.

Modes of Intervention

डिजिटल पाठशाला

संविधान लागू होने के सात दशक बाद के राष्ट्रीय अनुभव बताते हैं कि
एक संवैधानिक गणराज्य के तौर पर संविधान की प्रस्तावना में वर्णित मूल्यों के मामले में हम लगातार पिछड़ते जा रहे हैं।
अधिकार और मूल्य के बीच की दूरी जितनी आज दिख रही है, वह अभूतपूर्व है।

Future Goals

Strengthen grassroots actions for marginalised communities

Promote collaborative efforts among civil society groups

Promoting and advocating constitutional values

Develop frameworks for political and cultural education

Strengthening local economy

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